John 3:1-3
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

The born again experience is powerful, it is filled with joy, love, peace, power, hope. it’s a real and genuine experience. Moreover, it represents the only possibility for radical transformation in our lives. The only possibility for true purpose and meaning in this life and all of eternity.

For victory over sin, addiction, pain and suffering and a relationship with the father that brings true joy, peace, fellowship and oneness with the Spirit of Christ, you must be born again.

For divine light, wisdom, direction, guidance, virtues and to partake of the divine nature, you must be born again

For you to bring true transformation to your world, to become agents of emancipation, to influence your world with the government of God, you must be born again..

For you to be able to walk in the Spirit, live in the Spirit, speak with new tongues, cast out devils, lay hands on the sick to recover, you must be born again..

For you to be sealed by the Spirit, spend eternity with God, be received into eternal fellowship with God, you must be born again..

You may be here carrying sorrow, guilts, regrets, loneliness, powerlessness, helpless even in overcoming any addiction, or compulsions, Jesus can set you free right here and right now in Jesus name..

Let’s pray: Dear Lord, thank you for your shed blood that has made it possible to be your child.. I receive the gift of your grace to enable me, empower me, and qualify me to be partakers of your divine nature..

I’m no longer a slave to sin and fleshy addictions, but a son of righteousness, saved, set free, delivered and commissioned unto all good works in Jesus name


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